Lists of those participants at the council who subscribed to the creed have survived in Latin, Greek, Coptic, Syriac, Armenian and Arabic. A comprehensive study of all the lists was published by H. Gelzer at the end of the nineteenth century, and a thorough study of the Latin lists appeared several decades later by C.H. Turner.[1] While the original list must have been in Greek, the oldest of the surviving lists are those in Latin. All the lists also suffer from the garbling of place names unknown to later copyists. With the help of the Pleiades database of ancient place names (, some improvements can be made on the work of Turner and Gelzer. The list below also benefits from the unpublished studies of bishop lists and dioceses shared by David Wilmshurst. In general, we have retained the spelling of place names used by Pleiades and have not attempted to standardize them in either a Latin or Greek transliteration. More familiar place designations are provided in the brackets.


Hosius of Cordoba

Victor and Vincentius, priests of Rome

Egypt (13)

Alexander of Alexandria Magna

Harpocration of Naucratis

Paphnutius of Egypt

Adamantius of Kynopolis

Arbaethion of Pharbaithos

Philipp of Panephysis

Potamon of Herakleous

Secundus of Ptolemaios

Dorotheus of Pelusium

Gaius of Thmuis

Antiochus of Memphis

Tiberius of Tanis

Athas of Schedia [Chaireon]

Thebes (2)

Tyrannus of Antinoe

Volusianus of Lykopolis [Siout]

Upper Libya (4) 

Daces of Berenike [Benghazi]

Zophirus of Barkes [Limen; Ptolemais]

Serapion of Antipyrgus

Secundus of Taucheira [Arsinoe]

Lower Libya (1)

Titus of Paraetonium [Ammonia]

Palestine (19)

Macharius of Jerusalem

Germanus of Neapolis [Nablus]

Marinus of Sebastene

Gaianus of Sebaste [Samaria]

Eusebius of Caesarea [Maritima]

Sabinus of Gadara

Longinus of Askelon/Ascalon

Peter of Nicopolis [Emmaus]

Macrinus of Iamneia [Jamnia/Yavneh]

Maximus of Eleutheropolis [Beth Govrin]

Paul of Maximianopolis [Legio/Caporcotani]

Januarius of Jericho

Heliodorus of Zabulon

Aetius of Lydda [Diospolis]

Silvanus of Azotos [Paralios]

Patrophilus of Scythopolis [Beth She’an/Nysa]

Asclepius of Gaza

Peter of Aila [Aelana/Elat]

Antiochus of Kapitolias [Beit Ras]

Phoenicia (10)

Zeno of Tyrus  

Aeneas of Ptolemais [Ake/Acco]

Magnus of Damascus

Theodore of Sidon

Hellanicus of Tripolis [Phoinikon]

Philocalus of Paneas [Caesarea Philippi]

Gregory of Beirut [Berytus]

Martin of Palmyra

Thalassius of Alala

Antony of Emesa [Hemesa]

Coele-Syria (22)

Eustathius of Antioch

Zenobius of Seleukeia (in Pieria?)

Theodore of Laodicea [Latakia]

Alpheus of Apamea [Pella]

Philotimus of Hierapolis [Bambyke]

Solomon of Germanikeia

Piperius of Samosata

Archelaus of Doliche

Euphration of Balanea [Leukas]

Paladius chorepiscopus

Zoilus of Gabala

Bassus of Zeugma

Gerontius of Larisa

Mauricius of Epiphania [Oeniandos]

Eustathius of Areth(o)usa

Paul of Neocaesarea [Athis]

Siricius of Cyrrhus [Hagioupolis]

Seleucus chorepiscopus

Peter of Gindarus

Pegasius of Arbocadami

Bassianus of Gabboula

Bassianus of Raphaneai

Arabia (6)

Nicomachus of Bostra

Cyrion of Philadelpheia [Amman]

Gennadius of Esbous

Severus of Soada

Sopatrus of Beretanis

Severus of Dionysias [Soada]

Mesopotamia (4)

Aethilas of Edessa

Jacob of Nisibis

Antiochus of Resaina

Mareas of Macedonopolis

Persia (1)

John of Persia

Cilicia (10)

Theodore of Tarsus

Amphion of Epiphaneia [Oeniandos]

Narcissus of Neronias

Moses of Kastabala [Hierapolis]

Nicetas of Flavias

Eudaemon chorepiscopus

Paulinus of Adana

Macedonius of Mopsuestia

Tarcodimantus of Aigeae [Aigai(ai)]

Hesychius of Alexandria Minor

Narcissus of Eirenopolis

Cappadocia (10)

Leontius of Caesarea

Eupsychius of Tyana

Euphrasius of Koloneia [Garsaura]

Timothy of Cybistra

Elpidius of Comana [Hierapolis/Chryse]

Gregory chorepiscopus

Stephanus chorepiscopus

Euphronius chorepiscopus

Rhodon chorepiscopus

Theophanes chorepiscopus

Armenia Minor (4)

Eulogius of Sebastia

Euethius of Satala

Eudromius chorepiscopus

Theophanes chorepiscopus

Armenia Maior (5)

Arsaphius of Sophene

Acrites of Diospontus

Eutychianus of Amasia

Elpidius of Comana [Pontica]

Heraclius of Zela

Pontus Polemoniacus (3)

Longinus of Neocaesarea

Domnus of Trapezus

Stratophilus of Pityussa

Paphlagonia (3)

Philadelphus of Pompeiopolis

Petronius of Ionopolis

Eupsychius of Amastris

Galatia (5)

Marcellus of Ancyra

Dicasius of Tabia [Tavium]

Erechtheus of Gdanmaa [Egdava]

Gorgonius of Kinna

Philadelphius of Juliopolis

Asia (7)

Theonas of Cyzicus

Menophantus of Ephesus

Orion of Ilium

Eutychius of Smyrna

Mithres of Hypaipa

Marcrinus of Ilium Hellespontos

Paul of Anaia

Lydia (9)

Artemidorus of Sardis

Sozon of Thyatira

Hetaemasius of Philadelphia

Pollio of Perperene

Agogius of Tripolis

Florentius of Ancyra Sidera

Antiochus of Aureliopolis/Tmolos

Mark of Silandus

Antiochus of Hierokaisareia/Hierakome

Phrygia (8)

Nunechius of Laodicea [ad Lycum]

Flaccus of Sanaos

Procopius of Synnada

Pisticus of Aezanoi

Athenodorus of Dorylaeon

Paul of Apamea [Kelainai/Kibotos]

Eugenius of Eukarpia

Flaccus of Hierapolis [Koçhisar]

Pisidia (12)

Eulalius of Iconium

Telemachus of Hadrianopolis

Hesychius of Neapolis

Eutychius of Seleucia [Sidera]

Uranion of Selge ?? 

Apagamus of Limenai

T(h)arsicius of Apamea [Cibotus]

Patricius of Amblada

Polycarp of Metropolis

Academius of Pappa [Tiberiopolis]

Heraclius of Baris [Isparta]

Theodore of Ouasada

Lycia (1)

Eudemus of Patara

Pamphilia (7)

Callinicus of Perge

Euresius of Termessus

Zeuxius of Lyrbe

Domnus of Aspendus

Quintianus of Seleucia

Patricius of Maximianoupolis [Klimax]

Aphrodisias of Magydos

Islands (4)

Euphrosynus of Rhodes

Meliphron of Kos

Stategius of Lemnos

Apollodorus of Kerkyra [Corcyra]

Caria (5)

Eusebius of Antioch [ad Maeandrum]

Ammonius of Aphrodisias

Eugenius of Apollonia

Leontius of Cibyra

Eusebius of Miletus

Isauria (18)

Stephanus of Baratta

Athenaeus of Koropissos

Aetherius of Claudiopolis [Ninica]

Agapetus of Seleucia [ad Calycadnum]

Silvanus of Metropolis

Faustus of Panemotichus

Antoninus of Antiochia [ad Cragum?]

Nestor of Syedra [Syagra]

Hesychius chorepiscopus

Cyril of the Homonadeis

Theodore of Ouasada

Theodore chorepiscopus

Anatolius chorepiscopus

Paul of Laranda

Quintus chorepiscopus

Tiberius of Lystra

Aquila chorepiscopus

Eusebius of the Diocese of Paroikia [of] Isauria 

Cyprus (2)

Cyril of Paphos [Nea?]

Gelasius of Salamis

Bithynia (11)

Eusebius of Nicomedia

Theognis of Nicaea

Maris of Chalcedon

Cyril of Kios [Cius] [Prusias ad Mare]

Hesychius of Prusa

Gorgonius of Apollonia [ad Ryndacum]

George of Prusias [ad Hypium]

Euethius of Hadrianeia

Theophanes chorepiscopus

Rufus of Kaisareia

Eulalius chorepiscopus

Europe (1)

Phaedrius of Heraclea [Perinthus]

Dacia (1)

Protogenes of Serdica

Calabria (2)

Mark of Calabria

Moesia (3)

Pistus of Marcianopolis

Africa (4)

Caecilian of Carthage

Macedonia (2)

Alexander of Thessalonica

Budion of Stobi/Thebes?

Dardania (1)

Dacus of Macedonia

Achaia (3)

Pistus of Athens

Festus of Stategis

Marcus of Boia [Boiai]

Thessaly (2)

Claudian of Thessalia

Chionius of Thebes

Dalmatia (1)

Budius of Stobi

Pannonia (1)

Domnus of Strido [Stridon]

The Gauls (1)

Nicasius of Dinia [Digne]

The Goths (1)

Philotheus of the Goths

Bosporus (1)

Cadmus of Bosporus

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Last updated: 12-19-2024 by JSW

[1] Heinrich Gelzer, H. Hilgenfeld, and O. Cuntz, Patrum Nicaenorum Nomina Latine Graece Coptice Syriace Arabice Armeniace. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana. Leipzig: Teubner. 1898. C. H. Turner, Ecclesiae Occidentalis Monumenta Iuris Antiquissima.  vol. 1, fascicle 1, parts 1-2 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1899-1904), 35-102. Gelzer gives his reconstructed list in Greek on pp. LX-LXIV.

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