Reference:Mel. 4, CPG 2123.23, FNS 48
Incipit:Ἐγὼ Μελίτιος ἐν Λυκῷ
Ancient Source:Athanasius, Apol. Sec. 71.6
English Translation:NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 137, adapted for FCC by SMT and JTS

This document related by Athanasius is a collection of those who were of Melitius’ party throughout Egypt and in Alexandria itself. This document was commissioned by the bishop Alexander after he readmitted many Melitians back into communion, including Melitius himself, and Athanasius reports Melitius presenting this document in person to Alexander. Sadly, the unity would break down once more and result in a long conflict between Athanasius and the Melitians.

The Greek text below is that of Opitz as found in AW 2.4:71.6. The English translation has been adapted from NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 137 by SMT and JTS for FCC.

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Βρέβιον δοθὲν παρὰ Μελιτίον Ἀλεξάνδρῳ τῷ ἐπισκόπῳA list given by Melitius to Alexander the bishop:
1. ἐγὼ Μελίτιος ἐν Λυκῷ1. I, Melitius of Lycopolis,
Λούκιος ἐν ἈντινόουLucius of Antinopolis,
Φασιλεὺς ἐν ἙρμουπόλειPhasileus of Hermopolis,
Ἀχιλλεὺς ἐν ΚουσαῖςAchilles of Cusae,
5. Ἀμμώνιος ἐν Διοσπόλει5. Ammonius of Diospolis,
< . . . > ἐν Πτολεμαίδι… in Ptolemais,
Παχύμης ἐν ΤεντὐραιςPachymes of Tentyrae,
< . . . > ἐν Μαξιμιανουπόλει… in Maximianopolis,
Θεόδωρος ἐν ΚόπτῳTheodorus of Coptus,
[ἐν Θηβαίδι]… in Thebais,
10. Κάλης ἐν Ἑρμεθί10. Cales of Hermethes,
Κόλλουθος ἐν τῇ ἄνω ΚυνῷColluthus of Upper Cynopolis,
Πελάγιος ἐν ὈξυρύγχῳPelagius of Oxyrynchus,
Πέτρος ἐν ἩρακλέουςPeter of Heracleopolis,
Θέων ἐν ΝειλουπόλειTheon on Nilopolis,
15. Ἰσαὰκ ἐν Λητοῦς15. Isaac of Letopolis,
Ἡρακλείδης ἐν ΝικίουςHeraclides of Niciopolis,
Ἰσαὰκ ἐν ΚλεοπατρίδιIsaac of Cleopatris,
Μέλας ἐν ἈρσενοίτῃMelas of Arsenoitis
< . . . > ἐν Ἡλίους… in Heliopolis,
20. Αμὼς ἐν Λεόντων20. Amos of Leontopolis,
Ἰσίων ἐν ἈθριβίIsion of Athribis,
< . . . > ἐν Φαρβεθῷ… in Pharbethus,
Ἁρποκρατίων ἐν ΒουβάστῳHarpocration of Bubastus,
Μωσῆς ἐν ΦακουσαῖςMoses of Phacusae,
25. Καλλίνικος ἐν Πηλουσίῳ25. Callinicus of Pelusium,
Εὐδαίμων ἐν ΤάνειEudaemon of Tanis,
Ἐφραὶμ ἐν ΘμουίEphraim of Thmuis,
< . . . > ἐν Σαί… in Sais,
Ἑρμαίων ἐν Κυνῷ καὶ ΒούσιριHermaeon of Cynopolis and Busiris,
30. Σωτήριχος ἐν Σεβεννύτῳ30. Soterichus of Sebennytus,
Πινινούθης ἐν ΦθενεγύPininuthes of Phthenegys,
Κρόνιος ἐν ΜετήλιCronius of Metelis,
Ἀγαθάμμων ἐν τῇ Ἀλεξανδρέων χώρᾳAgathammon of the district of Alexandria.
ἐν Μέμφι Ἰωάννης (κελευσθεὶς παρὰ τοῦ βασιλέως εἶναι μετὰ τοῦ ἀρχιεπισκόπου) Οἱ μέν ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ οὗτοι, τῶν δὲ ἐν Ἀλεξανδρείᾳ εἶχε κληρικῶν·In Memphis, John who was ordered by the Emperor to be with the Archbishop. These are those of Egypt. And the clergy that he had in Alexandria were
35. Ἀπολλώνιος πρεσβύτερος35. Apollonius the presbyter,
Εἰρηναῖος πρεσβύτεροςIrenaeus the presbyter,
Διόσκορος πρεσβύτεροςDioscorus the presbyter,
Τύραννος πρεβῦτεροςTyrannus the presbyter.
ΔιάκονοιThe deacons:
Τιμόθεος διάκονοςTimotheus the deacon,
40. Ἀντίνοος διάκονος40. Antinous the deacon,
Ἡφαιστίων διάκονοςHephaestion the deacon,
καὶ Μακάριος πρεσβύτερος τῆς Παρεμβολῆςand Macarius the presbyter of Parembole.

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