P. Jaffé and F. Kaltenbrunner, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum Ab Condita Ecclesia Ad Annum Post Christum Natum MCXCVIII, 2nd ed. (Leipzig 1885), 32-35.

The first edition of Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner used a different numbering system than the second edition, translated here. Extant letters considered genuine were listed in one numbering system, and letters considered false were listen in another. In the second edition of the Regesta, both genuine and spurious letters are included in one numbering system. An asterisk (*) indicates a letter no longer extant. A dagger (†) before a letter number indicates that the letter is considered false by Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner.

In addition, an Arabic numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicates the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of extant genuine letters, e.g., Letter 209 (40). A Roman numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicated the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of false letters, e.g., Letter †207 (CLI).

All information found within the chart, including parenthetical and bracketed information, is found in Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner. Any additional information will be found in the footnotes. References to Thompson are to Dr. Glen Thompson’s upcoming edition of the correspondence of Liberius.

Date Place Letter Historical Event or Content of Letter Bibliographic Reference
June 21 He assumed the bishopric “on the 11th day before the Calends of June in the 5th consulship of the Constantius and that of Caesar Constantius.” But because the custom was established already in these times to ordain only on Sunday, we emend the note of the days to “on the 11th day before the Calends of July.” LC p. 637
Rome A synod was held dealing with Athanasius. See letter 212 below. HEF 1:652
†207 (cli)1 Studens paci et.”
He signifies to the bishops established throughout the East that, after receiving their letter to Julius, through sending the priests Lucius, Paul, and Helianus, and a letter to Alexandria he has summoned Athanasius, and that upon Athanasius’s refusal to come to Rome, he has excommunicated him, in accordance with their letter to him.
HIL 2:6682
(PL 10:678);
COU app p. 95;
MAN 3:208;
PL 8:1395
208* Through bishops Vincent and Marcellus, Liberius asks the emperor, who is staying at Arles, to call a council at Aquileia. See the following letter.
209 (40)3 Quia in nullo.”4
He reports to Hosius, bishop of Cordoba, that Vincent, bishop of Capua, who was sent to Emperor Constantius along with Marcellus, bishop of Campania, was not only unable to gain permission to hold a council at Aquileia, but also, at an assembly held by the emperor’s order at Arles, he had signed a condemnation of Athanasius against his will (Fragmentary).
HIL 2:6765
(PL 10:688);
COU p. 421;
MAN 3:200;
PL 8:1349
210 (41)6 Nolo te factum.”
He warns Caecilian, bishop of Spoleto, to take care not to be corrupted by the example of Vincent, bishop of Capua. (Fragmentary).
HIL 1.17;
PL 8:1349
211 (42) Me frater carissime.”8
He informs Eusebius, bishop of Vercelli, that, because after Vincent’s defection “the bishops throughout Italy were forced in public assemblies to obey the verdicts of the Easterners,” now Lucifer, bishop of Cagliari, is going to approach the emperor, seeking permission for a council. Liberius encourages him to be present at that council.
BAR 353:20;
COU p. 421;
MAN 3:204;
PL 8:1349
212 (43)9 Obsecro tranquillissime”/“Opto tranquillissime.
He laments that Emperor Constantius has not been prompted by his “repeated pleas” to return his favor to him and grant permission to call the council sought not only for the sake of Athanasius but also because of many other matters. He denies that he has hidden any letters. He affirms that he “has read to the church and read to the council” the letters from the Eastern and Egyptian bishops about Athanasius. But the judgment of eighty Egyptian bishops is held by more people than the opinions of those who were against Athanasius. All these writings were recorded and sent along with Vincent to Arles. What had the Easterners done to show they wanted to be united in peace with him? Finally, how much hope could he place in people whose representatives had refused eight years earlier to condemn Arius at the Council of Milan? He commends his messengers, Lucifer (bishop of Cagliari), Pancratius the priest, and Hilary the deacon, and seeks the power to hold a synod.
HIL 2:67110
(PL 10:682);
COU p. 423;
MAN 3:201;
PL 8:1351
213 (44)11 Remeante filio meo.”
He commends to Eusebius (bishop of Vercelli) Bishop Lucifer (of Cagliari), Pancratius the priest, and Hilary the deacon for exerting great effort in defense of the church. The letter was delivered by Calepius.
BAR 354:6;
COU p. 427;
MAN 3:205;
PL 8:1355
214 (45) Liberius commands Fortunatianus, bishop of Aquieia, to work along with his legates to convince the emperor to allow them to hold a council. See the following letter.
215 (46)12 Sciebam, domine frater.”
He praises Eusebius (bishop of Vercelli) because he because he most nobly looked after Liberius’s legates, Lucifer, Pancratius, and Hilary when he decided to approach the emperor with them. He writes that he had also commended this business to bishop Fortunatianus (of Aquileia).
BAR 354:7;
COU p. 428;
MAN 3:205;
PL 8:1355
216 (47)13 Quamvis sub imagine.”
He consoles the exiled bishops Eusebius (of Vercelli), Dionysius (of Milan), and Lucifer (of Cagliari). He writes that a similar fate approaches him. He wants to be informed of what happened “in that meeting” (i.e. the Council of Milan).
HIL 2:67514
(PL 10:686);
LUC p. 2
(PL 13:765);
BAR 355:36;
COU p. 429;
MAN 3:206;
PL 8:135615
Rome Although urged by the eunuch Eusebius, the legate of Emperor Constantius, to condemn Athanasius and enter into communion with the Arians, he refuses to do so. “Liberi dicta ad Eusebium.” LDAE (COU p. 431);
PL 8:1357;
ATH2 35,36
(ATH 1.1:288-289
[PG 25:734-735])
Rome “Ordered by Constantius to leave Rome under escort . . . Liberius reluctantly, out of fear for the people who were on fire with love for him, was removed with great distress in the middle of the night.” AMM 15.7;
ATH2 37-39
(ATH 1.1:289-290
[PG 25:738-739])
At court (at Milan) Although commanded by the emperor Constantius himself to condemn Athanasius, he continued to refuse. See the Dialogue of Liberius and Constantius three days before Liberius was driven into exile. Cf. Athanasius. THE 2.16;16
COU p. 433;
PL 8:1360;
ATH2 39
(ATH 1.1:290
[PG 25:739])
Beroea in Thrace Liberius is sent into exile to Beroea in Thrace. THE 2.16-1717
Beroea †217 (49)18 Pro deifico.”
Liberius writes to the Eastern bishops, that indeed he had himself previously defended Athanasius, as had Julius his predecessor. But now, since he understands that Athanasius had been lawfully condemned, He thought what he must do is approve of their verdicts. He announces that he has sent a letter to Emperor Constantius through Fortunatianus (bishop of Aquileia) about this very matter. He praises the (first) creed of Sirmium, as it was explained to him by Demophilus. He charges them to procure his return. For this and the two letters which follow, cf. Hefele.
HIL 2:67719
(PL 10:689);
BAR 357:42;
COU p. 441;
MAN 3:207;
PL 8:1365;
HEF 1:685
Beroea †218 (50)20 Quia scio vos.”
He indicates to Ursacius, Valentius, and Germinius that he had condemned Athanasius even before he had sent the letter of the eastern bishops to the emperor. He writes that he has asked Fortunatianus to deliver his letter to the emperor. He is overcome by a longing for Rome, and he is now at peace with Epictetus and Auxentius.
HIL 2:68121
(PL 10:693);
BAR 357:43;
COU p. 443;
MAN 3:209;
PL 8:1368
Beroea †219 (51)22 Non doceo, sed.”
He reports to Vincentius (bishop of Capua) that Urbicus the deacon has been taken from him, and that he has confirmed to the Eastern bishops his condemnation of Athanasius. He asks that the bishops of Campania convene in order to petition the Emperor for his return to Rome by a letter.
HIL 2:68223
(PL 10:695);
BAR 357:44;
COU p. 447;
MAN 3:210;
PL 8:1371
Sirmium When called to a synod by Constantius, who had promised the Roman people the return of Liberius (See Theodoret), he signs the (third) Creed of Sirmium. THE 2.17;24
SOZ 4.14
Rome He returns to Rome and lives in the cemetery of St. Agnes. Faustinus and Marcellinus say that this occurred in the third year after he was sent into exile, and Theodoret and Athanasius agree. The two passages of Athanasius also lament the weakness of Liberius. LP 1.116;
FM (MB 5:652;
GAL 7:461
[PL 13:81]);25
THE 2.17;26
ATH2 41
(ATH 1:291
[PG 25:742]);
ATH1 89
(ATH 1:161
[PG 25:410])
Rome He enters Rome “as a victor” (and the antipope Felix is expelled). Cf. Liber Pontificalis and Eusebius (a friend of Felix). JER6 p. 194;
LP 1.1;
EUS3 1:33
220 (52)* He sends “to the provinces after annulling the Council of Rimini general decrees” by which he forbids rebaptizing baptized Arians. See Pope Siricius’s letter to Himerius (below Letter 255) in Coustant. COU p. 623
221* He assents to the decrees of a council in Alexandria which was convened by Athanasius. The letter from Athanasius to Rufinianus was read at the second Council of Nicaea (cf. the Acta in Mansi). MAN 2:1029
May 25 †222 (cliv) Olim et ab initio.”
He laments that Athanasius and all the bishops of Egypt who had assembled and held the correct faith of the Trinity were troubled, and he praises their faith, which was set forth in the canons of the Council of Nicaea.
PS-IS p. 476;
MAN 3:221;
PL 8:1406
223 (53)27 Imperitiae culpam.”
He commands the catholic bishops in Italy to forgive those who after confessing their guilt at the Council of Rimini renounced the teachings of the Arians, but he wants that the originators of this error to be condemned.
HIL p. 70228
(PL 10:714);
COU p. 448;
MAN 3:210;
PL 8:1372
Feb 15 †224 (cliii) In nichilum (Nihil) est, quod.”
He advises all the bishops to bear injustice patiently, and not abandon their parishes in order to retire to a monastery.
PS-IS p. 494;
MAN 3:216;
PL 8:1399
†225 (clv) In his ieiuniorum.”
He commands this: “During the days of fasting, there should be no quarrels and no contentions.”
IVO 4.46;
MAN 3:229;
PL 8:1408
†226 (clvi) Abstinendum est.”
He orders that “during the most holy days of lent, married couples must abstain and spend those days living chastely and piously and in this manner arrive at the day of Holy Easter.”
IVO 4.47;
MAN 3:230;
PL 8:1408
228 (54)29 Τὴν εὐκταιοτάτην/“Optatissimum nobis/Optabile nobis.”
He responds to (the bishops) Euethius, Cyrillus, Hyperechiu, Uranius, Hero, Elpidius, Maximus, Eusebius, Eucarpius, Heortasius, Neo, Eumathius, Faustinus, Proclinus, Pasinicus, Arsenius, Severus, Didymio, Brittanius, Callicrates, Dalmatius, Aedesius, Eustochius, Ambrose, Gelonius, Pardalius, Macedonius, Paulus, Marcellus, Heraclius, Alexander, Adolius, Marcian, Sthenelus, John, Macer, Charisius, Silvanus, Photinus, Antony, Authus, Celsus, Euphranor, Milesius, Patricius, Severianus, Eusebius, Eumolpius, Athanasius, Diophantus, Minodorus, Diocles, Chrysampelus, Neo, Eugenius, Eustathius, Callicrates, Arsenius, Eugenius, Martyrius, Hieracius, Leontius, Philagrius and Lucius and all the orthodox Eastern bishops that their letter conveyed by the bishops Eustathius, Silvanus, and Theophilus was most pleasing to him. From it he recognizes that they with the Italians and other Western bishops approved of the decrees of the Council of Nicaea. He announces that the Creed of the Council of Rimini has already been condemned by those who had been cunningly deceived into accepting it. He writes that those who persist in Arian errors “after this council” are to have no part in the church, along with Arius, the Sabellians, and the Patropassians.
SOC 4.12;
COU p. 457;
MAN 3:213,377;
PL 8:1381
†229 (clii) Est igitur”/Ἔστιν οὖν.
He informs Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, of what he thinks about the incarnation and the undivided Trinity. He anathematizes the doctrines of the Sabellians and the Arians.
COU app p. 98;
MAN 3:211,226;
PL 8:1396
Sept 24 He dies on “the 8th day before the Calends of October in the consulship of Gratian and Dagalaisus.” (We think that “on the 8th day before the Calends of May” was corrupted by a copyist.) FM pref 1;30
LP 1:118

1 Thompson 8; CPL 453,1630

2 HIL1 B.3.1

3 Thompson 2; CPL 457,1630

4 or “Inter haec

5 HIL1 B.7.6

6 Thompson 1; CPL 457,1630

7 HIL1 B.7.4

8 Thompson 3; CPL 1628

9 Thompson 4; CPL 444,1630

10 HIL1 A.7

11 Thompson 5; CPL 1628

12 Thompson 6; CPL 1628

13 Thompson 7; CPL 457,1630

14 HIL1 B.7.2

15 Also found in the Expanded Dionysia

16 Read: THE 2.13

17 Read: THE 2.13-14

18 Thompson 11; CPL 457,1630

19 HIL1 B.7.8

20 Thompson 9; CPL 457,1630

21 HIL1 B.7.10

22 Thompson 10; CPL 457,1630

23 HIL1 B.7.11

24 Read: THE 2.14

25 Add: Collectio Avellana 1:3

26 Read: THE 2.14

27 Thompson 12; CPL 452,1630

28 HIL1 B.4.1

29 Thompson 14; CPL 1629

30 Add: Collectio Avellana 1.4

Bibliographic References:

AMM = Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae

ATH = S. Athanasii archiepiscopi Alexandrini opera, ed. Benedictini (Padua, 1777)

    ATH1 = Apologia contra Arianos, in ATH
    ATH2 = Historia Arianorum, in ATH

BAR = Baronius, Annales Ecclesiastici

COU = Epistolae Romanorum pontificum, ed. Coustant (Paris, 1721)

EUS3 = Vita Presbyteri Romani in Baluzii miscellanea, ed. Mansi (Luca, 1761)

FM = Faustinus and Marcellinus, Adversus Damasum libellus precum ad imperatores

GAL = Gallandi, Bibliotheca veterum patrum antiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Græco-Latina (Venice, 1781)

HEF = Hefele, Conciliengeschichte (Freiburg i. Br., 1873)

HIL = S. Hilarii Pictaviensis episcopi opera, ed. Benedictini (Verona, 1730)

    HIL1 = Frag. Hist.

IVO = Ivonis Carnotensis episcopi opera omnia (Paris, 1647)

JER6 = Chronicon in Eusebii Chronicorum libri duo, ed. Schoene (Berlin, 1866)

LC = Liberian Catalogue, in Mommsen, Roemische Geschichte (Leipzig, 1856)

LP = Liber pontificalis seu de gestis Romanorum pontificum, ed. Vignoli (Rome, 1724)

LUC = Luciferi episcopi Caralitani opera, ed. Coleti (Venice, 1778)

MAN = Mansi, Conciliorum amplissima collectio (Florence, 1759)

MB = La Bigne, Maxima Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum

PG = Migne, Patrologiae cursus complectus. Series graeca.

PL = Migne, Patrologiae cursus complectus. Series latina.

PS-IS = Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae et Capitula Angilrammi, ed. Hinschius (Leipzig, 1863)

SOC = Socratis scholastici historia ecclesiastica (Amsterdam, 1695)

SOZ = Sozomeni Historia ecclesiastica (Amsterdam, 1695)

THE = Theodoret’s Historia Ecclesiastica


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