P. Jaffé and F. Kaltenbrunner, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum Ab Condita Ecclesia Ad Annum Post Christum Natum MCXCVIII, 2nd ed. (Leipzig 1885), 35-36.

The first edition of Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner used a different numbering system than the second edition, translated here. Extant letters considered genuine were listed in one numbering system, and letters considered false were listen in another. In the second edition of the Regesta, both genuine and spurious letters are included in one numbering system. An asterisk (*) indicates a letter no longer extant. A dagger (†) before a letter number indicates that the letter is considered false by Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner.

In addition, an Arabic numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicates the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of extant genuine letters, e.g., Letter 209 (40). A Roman numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicated the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of false letters, e.g., Letter †207 (CLI).

All information found within the chart, including parenthetical and bracketed information, is found in Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner. Any additional information will be found in the footnotes.

Date Place Letter Historical Event or Content of Letter Bibliographic Reference
Rome on the Palatine He is consecrated “by three wicked archdeacons, i.e., spies who by no means should be called bishops.” That Felix was made pontiff in the tenth year before his death, a little after Liberius was driven into exile, i.e., as the year 355 was ending, is proven from Faustinus and Marcellinus. The narration of those sources which think that Felix was infected with Arianism are clearly contradicted by Eusebius and Liber Pontificalis, who demonstrate that Felix was made Roman bishop according to the proper rite. (Cf. Rossi and Lipsius concerning these things). It is taught that, at the time of the exile of Liberius, Felix obtained the throne of St. Peter by the consent of emperor Constantine from his edict in the Theodosian Code. ATH2 75
(ATH 1:307
[PG 25:783]);
FM (MB 5:652;
GAL 7:461
[PL 13:81]);
EUS3 1:33;
LP 1:119;
ROS 2:109;
LIP p. 234;
TC 16.2.14
Rome He is expelled by the return of Liberius. Eusebius: “Liberius had been recalled from exile. . . the churches were occupied by Liberius. Felix was cast out from the episcopate.” Faustinus and Marcellinus: “Liberius returned. . . Felix, branded by the senate or by the people, is driven from the city.” EUS3 1:33;
FM pref 1
In his little farm “He vacates the orations.” Cf. the Felician Catalogue: “After being deposed from the episcopate, Felix lived in his little farm from the third day before the Calends (l. Nones) of August.” EUS3 1.1
FC 1:459
Rome “After a small time he invades.” FM pref 1
In the basilica of Julius across the Tiber “He presumes to take his position.” FM pref 1
Rome “He is again thrown out by the multitude of the believers and nobles with great disgrace.” FM pref 1
Feb 13 †230 (clviii) Sacram vestram synodicam.”
In the synod he writes to Athanasius and all the bishops of Egypt, Thebes, and Libya gathered in the holy synod of Alexandria, “Let no one accuse a bishop before secular judges but before the highest primates, and not before he in a friendly manner shows his quarrel to him and gains from him either just amends or a reasonable excuse.” Those things taken from a bishop are restored before judgment. Neither can notorious or sacrilegious men be either witnesses or accusers. If a postponement of judgment is sought it must be given to the bishop. He adds about the primates and metropolitans.
PS-IS p. 484
MAN 3:409;
PL 13:17
Oct 25 †231 (clix) Gratia vobis et.”
In the synod he encourages oppressed bishops to bear the hostile treatment patiently.
PS-IS p. 491;
MAN 3:415;
PL 13:25
Nov 22 He dies “in the consulship of Valentinian and Valens on the tenth day before the Calends of December.” FM pref 1

Bibliographic References:

ATH = S. Athanasii archiepiscopi Alexandrini opera, ed. Benedictini (Patavium, 1777)

    ATH2 = Historia Arianorum, in ATH

EUS3 = Vita Presbyteri Romani in Baluzii miscellanea, ed. Mansi (Luca, 1761)

FC = Felician Catalogue, in Schelstrate, Antiquitas Ecclesiae Dissertationibus Monumentis ac Notis (Rome, 1692)

FM = Faustinus and Marcellinus, Adversus Damasum libellus precum ad imperatores

GAL = Gallandi, Bibliotheca veterum patrum antiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Græco-Latina (Venice, 1781)

LIP = Lipsius, Chronologie der Roemischen Bischoefe bis zur Mitte des vierten Jahrhunderts (Kiel, 1869)

LP = Liber pontificalis seu de gestis Romanorum pontificum, ed. Vignoli (Rome, 1724)

MAN = Mansi, Conciliorum amplissima collectio (Florence, 1759)

MB = La Bigne, Maxima Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum

PG = Migne, Patrologiae cursus complectus. Series graeca.

PL = Migne, Patrologiae cursus complectus. Series latina.

PS-IS = Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae et Capitula Angilrammi, ed. Hinschius (Leipzig, 1863)

ROS = De Rossi, La Roma Sotteranea Cristiana (Rome, 1864)

TC = Theodosian Code


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