The following is a list comparing side-by-side the alternative chronologies of the early Arian period. The links on the leftmost column will take you to a translation of the document. For more detaileds lists of each of the individual dating systems, click on the following links:

Dok. (Urk.)Vol.3.3 (2007) dateOpitz dateWilliams dateParvis date
1 (6)318-320c. 320321mid-year 322
2.1 (4a)318-320318/9Jan./Feb. 325Spring 323
2,2 (4b)318-320c. 318early 325Spring 323
3 (5)318-320c. 320324mid-year 322
4 (8)318-320c. 320323end 322
5 (9)318-320c. 320324mid-year 323
6 (12)318-320c. 322321-323322-323
7 (13)318-320c. 322321-323322-323
8 (10)320-322c. 321/2321Autumn 323
9 (7)318-320c. 320325mid-year 323
10 (3)320-322c. 318321-323mid-year 322
11 (11)320-322c. 322321-323322-323
12 (-)320-322
13 a, b (-)320-322
14 (15)320-322324323Spring 323
15 (1)323-324c. 318321/2early Spring 322
16 (2)320-324c. 318321/2mid-year 322
17 (14)323-324324321/2Spring 323
18 (16)323-324?Spring 323
19 (17)323-324Oct. 324Dec. 324Fall 324
20 (18)early 325early 325early 325late 324
21 (19)325325late 324
22 (20)325Spring 325early 325
23 (21)325June 325
24 (22)325June 325
25 (23)325June 325
26 (24)32519 June 325
27 (34)325*333
28 (33)325*333
29 (25)325June 325
30 (26)325June 325
31 (27)326-327Nov./Dec. 325
32 (28)326-327Nov./Dec. 325
33 (29)326-32727 Nov. 327
34 (30)326-327late 327
35.1 (-)327
35.2 (-)327
36 (31)327-329late 327
37 (32)327-329early 328

*Timothy Barnes disagrees with this earlier dating, and instead supports the original date of 333. See “The Exile and Recalls of Arius,” The Journal of Theological Studies 60 (2009): 109-129.

Created by SMT

Last updated: 1-18-2025 by JSW

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