This list is based on that of Ramsay MacMullen, Voting About God in Early Church Councils, (New Haven 2006), pp. 2-4. We have, however, added and subtracted from the original list to make it more accurate and complete. The website also features Friedrich Maassens’ list of Early Councils in Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Rechts im Abendlande.

Roman numerals have been placed before the Ecumenical Councils to indicate their numbering.

Click here for a list of the conciliar creeds of the fourth century.

Year Place Attendees
200 Carthage
220-225 Carthage
230-235 Synnada (Phrygia)
231/232 Alexandria
230-235 Iconium (Lycaonia)
236-240 Carthage
ca. 240 Bostra (Arabia)
ca. 248 Bostra (Arabia)
251 Carthage
252 Carthage 42
253 Carthage 18/66
253-257 Arsinoe (Egypt)
254 Carthage 37
255 Carthage 30/31
256a Carthage 71
256b Carthage 87
264 Antioch
268 Antioch 70/80
300-303 Elvira 102
305 Cirta 11
ca. 305 Alexandria
307/311 Carthage
311 Cirta
312 Carthage
313 Rome 19
314 Arles 26/33/44
314 Ancyra 18
321/1 Bithynia
314/19 Neocaesarea (Pontus) 20
320 Alexandria
321 Caesarea (Palestine)
ca. 322 Alexandria c. 100
ca. 324 Alexandria
324 Rome
325 Antioch 59
325 I Nicaea 250-300
327 Antioch
328 Alexandria
330 Antioch
332 Antioch
334 Alexandria
334 Caesarea (Palestine)
335 Tyre 60
335 Jerusalem 200
335 Tyana
335/6 Constantinople
336 Carthage (Donatist) 270
337/338 Antioch
338 Constantinople
338/339 Antioch
338 Alexandria 80
341 Antioch 90
341 Rome 50+
341 Alexandria
343 Rome 50
343 Philippopolis 76
343 Serdica 165; 170/176
343/81 Laodicea (Phrygia)
345-348 Carthage
345 Antioch
345 Milan
346 Jerusalem
346 Alexandria
346 Cologne 14
347 Carthage
347 Sirmium
347 Milan
348 Carthage
349 Sirmium
351 Sirmium
353 Alexandria
353 Rome
353 Arles
c. 355 Gangra 14
355 Milan 30/300?
356/7 Baeterrae
357 Antioch
357 Sirmium c. 400
357 “Gallic”
358 Sirmium
358 Antioch
358 Ancyra 12
359 Sirmium
359 Ariminum 400
359 Nike (Thrace)
359 Seleucia c. 100
360 Constantinople 72
360 Paris
360/1 Antioch
361 Paris
362 Antioch 9
362 Alexandria
363 Carthage
363 Alexandria
363 Antioch 20
364 Caria
364/5 Lampsacus
365 Sicily
366 Nicomedia
366 Smyrna
366 Singidunum
366/7 Antioch 34
367 Tyana
369 Rome
c. 370 Alexandria c. 90
370s Armenia
374 Pazoukome
374 Rome
374 Valentia/Valence 20
375 Ancyra
376 Iconium
376 Rome
377/8 Sirmium
378 Antioch (Caria)
378 Rome
378/9 Antioch 146/153
380 Rome
380 Caesaraugusta/Saragossa 12
380 Milan
380 Antioch (Arian)
381 ? Side
381 Aquilea 24/34
381 II Constantinople 140/150+36
382 Rome
382 Constantinople
383 Antioch
384/5 Burdigala/Bordeaux
385 Capua
385 (S)angarum (Bithynia)
385 Caesarea
386 Milan
386 Rome 80
386 Trier
389 Antioch
389/90 Side 25
390 Carthage
390 Rome
390 Milan
391 ? (S)angarum (Bithynia)
392 ? Caesarea (Palestine)
392 Capua
393 Hippo
393 Cabarsussa (Africa) 100
393 Milan
394 Rome
394/6 Nemausus
394 Constantinople 37
394 Bagai (Africa) 310
394 Constantinople
394 Carthage
394 Hadrumetum
397 Carthage
398 Torino/Turin
398/9 Diospolis (Palestine)
399 Alexandria
399 Carthage
399/400 Seleucia-Ctesiphon
399/401 Cyprus
400 Constantinople 20
400 Toledo 19
401a Carthage
401b Carthage
402 Ephesus 70
402 Milev/Milevis (Numidia)
403 Carthage
403 Constantinople 40
403 Constantinople “The Oak” 36
404 Constantinople 60/90
404 Carthage
404 ? Thessalonica
405 Carthage
406 Carthage
407 Carthage
408a Carthage
408b Carthage
409 Carthage
410 Carthage
410 Seleucia-Ctesiphon 40
411 Carthage 571
412 Zerta/Cirta
412 Carthage
415 Jerusalem
415 Diospolis (=Lydda) 14
416 Milev 61
416 Carthage
418 Suffetula
416/8 Thysdrus
417a Rome
417b Rome
417 Carthage
418 Thela c. 30
418 Rome
418 Carthage 217
419 Carthage
419 Ravenna
420 Seleucia-Ctesiphon 12
421 Carthage
422/3 Carthage
424 Markabta 37
424/5 Carthage
426 Constantinople
427 Hippo
429 Tricasis (Troyes)
430 Alexandria
430 Rome
431 III Ephesus 150-160; 200
451 IV Chalcedon 520

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Authored by AJW and SCD

Last updated: 1-24-2019

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