DateMay-July AD 381
Summoned by
Theodosius I
Chaired byMelitius of Antioch; Gregory Nazianzus; Nectarius (Successively)
Number of Participants
c. 150 Nicene bishops; c. 36 neo-Arian and Macedonian bishops
PurposeTo discuss the term homoousian as a solution to the Arian controversy
Key Events
The death of Melitius; the brief election to the bishopric and chairmanship of Gregory; the election of Nectarius; the condemnation of the Macedonians, Eunomians, Sabellians, and Appolinarians; the adoption of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed
Ancient Descriptions
Socrates HE 5.8, 9; Sozomen HE 7.7-11; Theodoret HE 5.6-8; Rufinus HE 2.19

Surviving Documents:


Canons and Synodal Letters (NPNF2 14:170-189)


C. Kannengiesser,  “Constantinople (Istanbul)” in The Encyclopedia of the Early Church, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).

Frederick W. Norris, “Constantinople” in The Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, (New York: Garland Publishing, 1990).

R.P.C. Hanson,  The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God, (New York: T&T Clark, 1988).

Created by JCB and PSAM

Last updated: 2-11-2025 by JSW

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