Council of Carthage (AD 424/425)
Date | c. 424/5 |
Location | Carthage |
Key Events | Letter sent to pope Celestine which reaffirmed ecclesiastical procedure and excommunication; the council further asked the pope to respect their decisions, because they had been and continued to act in complete alignment with the Nicene canons; and they also petitioned for him to abstain from interfering with their local affairs in an untimely manner. |
Surviving Documents:
Letter to pope Celestine (Ch. Munier, Concilia Africae a.345-a.525 (Turnhout: Brepols, 1974), 169-172.)
Munier, Ch. “Carthage,” in The Encyclopedia of the Early Church (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).
Created by SMT
Last updated: 2-11-2025 by JSW
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