Below is a table of contents for the only modern critical edition of the works of Athanasius of Alexandria. The initial publication of sections of vols. 2-3 was begun by H.-G. Opitz from 1934-1940. The original work was published in 40-page fascicles and in many libraries these remain unbound and not properly indexed in the library catalog.

Publication of the remaining sections began again in 1996 and continues to the present. The following list is intended to assist the researcher in identifying volume (Band), fascicles (Lieferungen) and page numbers which contain any given work of Athanasius. Information on forthcoming publications in the series can be found at

Athanasius: Werke
Produced by der Kirchenvter-Kommission der Preuischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Band I. Die dogmatischen schriften

general editor: Martin Tetz

Fascicle 1 [1996]

  • Epistula ad episcopos Aegypti et Libyae (pp. 1- 64) edited by K. Metzler, D. Hansen, K. Savvidis

Fascicle 2 [1998]

  • Orationes I contra Arianos (pp. 65- )
  • Oratio II contra Arianos (pp. -260) edited by K. Metzler, D. Hansen, K. Savvidis

Fascicle 3 [2000]

  • Oratio III contra Arianos (pp. 261-379) edited by K. Savvidis

Band II. Die apologien

edited by Hans-Georg Opitz (Lieferungen 1-7, read) and H. C. Brennecke, Uta Heil, und Annette von Stockhausen (Lief. 8)

Lieferung 1: [1935]

  • De decretis 1-24.3 (pp. 1-40)

Lieferung 2: [1935]

  • De decretis 24.4-42.3 (pp. 41-45)
  • De sententia Dionysii 1-27.4 (pp. 45-67)
  • Apologia de fuga sua 1-18.3 (pp.68-80)

Lieferung 3: [1938]

  • Apologia de fuga sua 18.4-27.2 (pp. 81-86)
  • Apologia secunda/contra Arianos 1-43.4 (pp. 87-120)

Lieferung 4: [1938]

  • Apologia secunda 43.5-80.3 (pp. 121-160)

Lieferung 5: [1940]

  • Apologia secunda 81-90.3 (pp. 161-168)
  • Epistula encyclica 1-7.8 (pp. 169-177)
  • Epistula ad Serapionem de morte Arii 1-5.8 (pp. 178-180)
  • Epistula ad monachos 1-3.4 (pp. 181-182)
  • Historia Arianorum 1-32.2 (pp. 183-200)

Lieferung 6: [1940]

  • Historia Arianorum 32.2-81.14 (pp. 201-230)
  • De Synodis Arimini et Seleuciae 1-13.2 (pp. 231-240)

Lieferung 7: [1940]

  • De Synodis Arimini et Seleuciae 13.3-55.6 (pp. 241-278)

Lieferung 8: [2000]

[Before the texts listed below, this volume contains a wealth of updated material on Athanasius’s works: the manuscripts, translations, editions, and secondary studies, as well as corrigenda for the first 278 pages of AW Band 2.]

  • Apologia ad Constantium (pp. 279- 309)
  • Epistula ad Joannen et Antiochum (pp. 310-311)
  • Epistula ad Palladium (pp. 312-313)
  • Epistula ad Dracontium (pp. 314-321)
  • Epistula ad Afros (pp. 322-339)
  • Tomus ad Antiochenos (pp. 340-351)
  • Epistula ad Jovianum (pp. 352-356)
  • Epistula ad Joviani ad Athanasium (p. 357)
  • Petitiones Arianorum (pp. 358-361)

[The volume concludes with cumulative indexes (pp. 363-415) for all of Band 2.]



Band 3: Early Arian Documents (Urkunden)

Lieferung 1: [1934]

  • Documents 1-18 (pp. 1-40): Original text only

Lieferung 2: [1934]

  • Documents 19-34 (pp. 41-73): Original text only

Lieferung 3 [2007]

  • Documents 1-34 (German translation of documents in Lieferung 1 and 2)
  • Documents 35.1-44 (Original text with German translation)35.1 Synod of Antioch (327) on its decisions against Asclepas of Gaza35.2 Synod of Antioch (327) on its decision against Eustathius

    38 Conflicts about the restoration of church unity in Egypt

    39 Writings of the Synod of Jerusalem of the year 335

    40 Synods in Constantinople against Marcellus of Ancyra

    41 Correspondence and synods in Rome and Antioch during the years 340 and 341

    41.1 Letter of Julius of Rome to the eastern bishops with the request to appear at a synod in Rome

    41.2 Reports on the Dedication Synod of Antioch in the year 341

    41.3 Explanation of Theophronius of Tyana (3rd Antiochene formula)

    41.4 Confession of the Synod of Antioch in the year 341 (2nd Antiochene formula)

    41.5 Fragment of a cyclical letter of the Synod of Antioch in the year 341 (1st Antiochene formula)

    41.6 Report on a letter of the Synod of Antioch in the year 341 to Julius of Rome

    41.7 Letter and confession of Marcellus of Ancyra to Julius of Rome

    41.8 Letter of Julius to the bishops gathered in Antioch

    42 Confession of an Antiochene synod (4th Antiochene formula), 341

    43 The Synod of Serdica, 343

    43.1 Cyclical letters of the western bishops

    43.2 The theological explanation of the western bishops

    43.3 The list of the signatures under the theological explanation of the western bishops

    43.4 Letters of the western bishops to Emperor Constantius

    43.5 Letters of the western bishops to Julius of Rome

    43.6 Fragments of the letter of Hosias of Cordova and Protogenes of Serdica to Julius of Rome

    43.7 Letters of the western bishops to the church of Alexandria

    43.8 Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria to the priests and deacons of Alexandria and Parembole

    43.9 Letters of the western synod to the priests and deacons in Mareotis

    43.10 Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria to the priests, deacons, and church people in Mareotis

    43.11 Cyclical letters of the eastern synod

    43.12 The theological explanation of the eastern synod

    43.13 The list of the signatures under the theological explanation of the eastern synod

    44 Macrostich Confession (Ἔκθεσις Μακρόστιχος), Fifth Arian Confession, 344

Created by JRZ

Last updated 2/15/2025 by GLT

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