1.4.1 So then, he resolved to take up his arms and come to the aid of the Romans who were suffering these sorts of things. For, by delivering them from these evils, it is fair to say, he also rescued all mankind.”

1.4.2 “The plan he settled on was to first call together the cities which had previously been under Roman rule—some with words, others with arms, and still others with a charitable act of benevolence. For he proclaimed lighter tributes for them and promised impartial hearings and showed wisdom in putting an end to both their revolutionary spirit and rebellion. He did this by ignoring them rather than by trying to instill fear because he knew that the nations of the Sarmatians, Franks, and Germans were novelty-loving, had an impulse toward insurrections against emperors which was easily fanned into flame, and often felt compelled to carry out their inclinations.

1.4.3 And then he conquered the Spaniards and the Britons and the other islanders there and the rest of the races and all those who bear witness to the setting sun (who say they know whether it truly sinks into the ocean or whether it bends around the water coming back to us through a different route). And by strength of arms, he overpowered the barbarian tribes there, taking advantage of the secondary opportunity of the battle in addition to his primary task.

1.4.4 For by subjecting some, paying wages to others, establishing some as friends instead of enemies, and establishing others as kin rather than old enemies, he brought them all in as allies. While neither harming nor besieging anyone, he pressed on to bring deliverance to others.

1.4.5 For wherever God is fighting alongside, everything prospers and exceeds human expectation. With such a God-loving disposition, Constantine, most faithful in all things, crossed to the right bank of the Rhine and passed over many mountains and many unnamed rivers with a small army. He then conquered many barbarian nations, bringing the ten tribes of the Gauls, the Franks and the Spaniards over to himself, and leading the rest of the army to the mountains of Italy.”

1.4.6 “When Maxentius heard about these things, he experienced some unexpected turmoil. For he was not expecting that Constantine would ever cross such a land blocked off by mountains, rivers, a diverse assortment of barbarians, and the natural difficulty of its isolated location. For desolate regions are often an empire’s greatest fortification.

1.4.7 And so he decided to withdraw his army from Rome very quickly and to lead it out to preemptively strike somewhere in Italy. And when the battle lines had been prepared and they saw each other’s military standards, it seemed that the upcoming battle would be lop-sided. For the troops rushing out from Rome spread themselves out as phalanxes. And since they were fresh and very well-rested, they appeared to be a worthy match for anyone in battle and to carry themselves with a pride equally worthy of the city.

1.4.8 The ones standing side by side in battle with Constantine, however, had already seized much land as well as considerable plunder and many spoils of war. But they were weighed down with longing, having experienced the race of victory rather than the enjoyment of the things they had seized. And now they were growing weary of the toil and were giving in to the constant grind.


Next Chapter – 1.5 Constantine’s vision of the cross in the sky

Previous Chapter – 1.3 The tyrant Maxentius

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Created by NJ 4-18-17

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