ACO Series 1, Tome 1 (Council of Ephesus, AD 431)
Volume 3 (1929): Collectionis Casinensis sive Synodici a Rustico Diacono compositi, Part 1
Pages Document no. Title Incipit CPG
3-16 1 Cyril, Letter to the Monks Venerunt quidem aliqui 5301
16-17 2 Cyril, Letter to Nestorius Viri reuerendi et fide 5302
17 3 Nestorius, Letter to Cyril Nihil mansuetudine Christiana 5666
17-18 4 Cyril, Letter to Nestorius Quia mihi scripsit 5307
18-20 5 Eusebius of Doryleum, Protest Coniuro accipientem 5940
20-22 6 Cyril, Letter to Nestorius Oblocuntur quidem ut disco 5304
23-26 7 Nestorius, Letter to Cyril Iniurias quidem quae contra 5669
26-35 8 Cyril, Synodical Letter to Nestorius Saluatore nostro dicente 5317
35-37 9 Cyril, Letter to the Constantinopolitans Vix quidem et aliquando 5318
37 10 Pope Celestine, Letter to the Clergy and People of Constantinople Col Ver 2
37 11 Pope Celestine, Letter to Pope Cyril Col Ver. 5
37 12 Pope Celestine, Letter to John of Antioch, Juvenal of Jerusalem, Rufus of Thessalonia, and Flavian of Philippi Col. Ver. 1
37 13 Pope Celestine, Letter to John of Antioch, Rufus of Thessalonia, and Flavian of Philippi Col. Ver. 6
38-39 14 Cyril, Letter to Bishop Acacius Qui uehementer contristantur 5314
39-40 15 Acacius, Letter to Cyril Legi litteras 6479
40-41 16 Cyril, Letter to John of Antioch Cognouit omnino et per multos 5313
41-42 17 Cyril, Letter to Juvenal Optabam quidem probatissimorum 5316
43 18 Cyril, Letter to a Certain Zealot Et si quidem scriberem 5308
44-47 19 John of Antioch, Letter to Nestorius Meam intentionem 6316
47-49 20 Sacra to Cyril Curae multae 8652
49 21 John of Antioch, Letter to Cyril Neque me mediocriter 6307
49-51 22 Calling together the religious affairs of the Council Pendet in dei cultura 8651
51-52 23 Sacra to Council Omnium quidem quae in commune 8668
52-82 24 Gesta Iulias synodo celebrata 5657 & 8675
82-83 25 Sentence of the Council against Nestorius Sancta synodus dixit 8675
83 26 Second day of his condemnation Cognosce temet 8676
83-84 27 Ruling of the Council Sancta et magna
84 28 Letter intended for the Clergy and Stewards of the Church of Constantinople Cognoscat uestra reuerentia 8677
84-85 29 Cyril, Letter to the people of Alexandria Licet latius oporteret 5324
85-87 30 Relatio of the Holy Council to the most Pious Emperors about the Damnation of Nestorius A progenitoribus ueram fidem 8684
87-89 31 Letter to those remaining in Constantinople Sperabamus uenientem 5323
89-90 32 Cyril, Letter to Monastic Fathers Dominus noster Iesus Christus 5326
90-91 33 Warning of the bishops who were found in Constantinople Et dum diuulgatum 8681
91-92 34 Holy mass by the palladium Magnificentissimo comite deuotissimorum 8696
92-94 35 Gesta Post consulatum dominorum 8710
94-95 36 Letter, Holy Council to the Clergy of Constantinople Venimus ad nuntium 8712
95-96 37 Letter of the Clergy of Constantinople to the Holy Council Semper et a iuuentute 5777
96-98 38 Relatio of the Council to the Emperors Vestra quidem potesta 8697
99-111 39 Gesta Congregata synodo in metropolim 5395, 8716, & 8718
111-112 40 Exemplar of the religious affairs set in order by John in regard to the sacred council Quantum circa pietatem 8723
112-114 41 Exemplar of the official response of the sacred council to the reread religious affairs by John Christo amabile 8729
114-115 42 Cyril, Letter to the Clergy of Constantinople Ecce igitur et altera 5327
115-116 43 Bishop Memnon of Ephesus, Letter to the Clergy of Constantinople Tumultui namque 5790
116-117 44 Letter of the Council to the Emperors Vestra quidem potentia 8733
117-119 45 Letter of the Council to the Constantinopolitans In tanta fluctuatione 8730
119-140 46 Gesta Post consulatum 8721
140-141 47 Exemplar of the letter written in the Ephesian council by the bishops in Constantinople Oportebat quidem nos non animis 8736
141-142 48 Prayers and Supplication of the Clergy of Constantinople for the blessing of the Council of Ephesus Scientes uestram pietatem 8732
143 49 Cyril, Letter to Celestine Plurimae contra nos 5328
143 50 Cyril, Sermon One Flectetur enim ei 5252
143-145 51 Cyril, Sermon in the basilica of John the Evangelist Unde a diuina mysteria 5246
145-146 52 Cyril, Sermon against John of Antioch concerning those who separated themselves Oportet enim nos semper 5250
146-148 53 Cyril, Sermon Est igitur indubitatum 5249
149-150 54 Cyril, Sermon Et satisfacit ad hoc nobis 5245
150-152 55 Cyril, Sermon Plantationes etenim 5251
152-161 56 Theodotus of Ancyra, Sermon Natura itaque post partum 6125
161-168 57 Theodotus of Ancyra, Sermon Two Tanta namque donationis 6126
168-169 58 The Sermons of Theodoti and Reginus Sed quoniam etiam tacere 6486
169-173 59 Letter of the Council to Celestine Tuae quidem sanctitates 8719
173-174 60 Mandatum of the Holy Council Iussi a piissimis et Christoamantissimis 8740
174-176 61 Letter of the Council to the Emperor Omnia quidem uestrr 8741
176-177 62 Mandatum carried by the East Quoniam ecclesiastici 8742
177-178 63 Relatio of the Council to the Emperors Circa pietatem sollicitudinem 8711
178-179 64 Bishop Maximus of Constantinople, Letter of instruction Unde consequens est reuerentiam 5773 & 8731
179 65 Bishop Maximus, Letter to Cyril
Conpletum est desiderium 5770
180 66 Cyril, Letter to Juvenal Satisfactum est nobis 5332
180-181 67 Interpretation of the sanction of the emperor written to Isidorus Et propterea quoniam Nestorius
181-183 68 Official Edict of the Holy Law against Nestorius Nestorio igitur monstruosae
183-184 69 Sacra to John of Antioch Tempus est ergo 8810
184-185 70 Petition given to Archbishop Cyril by Bishop Paul of Emesa Piissimi atque uictores 6368
185-187 71 John of Antioch, Letter to Cyril Dudem per sanctionem 6310
187-191 72 Cyril, Letter to John of Antioch Exultent caeli 5339
191-192 73 Cyril, Sermon Terram uero uoluntariam 5260
192 74 Cyril Letter to Maximus Non erat dubium 5349
193-194 75 Cyril, Letter of instruction to Priest Eulogio of Alexandria regarding Constantinople Alii uero, qui Nestorii 5344
194-203 76 Cyril, Letter to Acacius of Melitene Causa quidem dulcis 5340
Translation Key
Original Latin | English Translation |
Sacra | Religious Affairs |
Gesta | Proceedings |
Relatio | Official Response |
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