P. Jaffé and F. Kaltenbrunner, Regesta Pontificum Romanorum Ab Condita Ecclesia Ad Annum Post Christum Natum MCXCVIII, 2nd ed. (Leipzig 1885), 28-30.

The first edition of Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner used a different numbering system than the second edition, translated here. Extant letters considered genuine were listed in one numbering system, and letters considered false were listen in another. In the second edition of the Regesta, both genuine and spurious letters are included in one numbering system. An asterisk (*) indicates a letter no longer extant. A dagger (†) before a letter number indicates that the letter is considered false by Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner.

In addition, an Arabic numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicates the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of extant genuine letters, e.g., Letter 209 (40). A Roman numeral in parentheses following the letter number indicated the letter’s number in the first edition’s list of false letters, e.g., Letter †207 (CLI).

All information found within the chart, including parenthetical and bracketed information, is found in Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner. Any additional information will be found in the footnotes.

Date Place Letter Historical Event or Content of Letter Bibliographic Reference
Jan 31 He enters the pontificate “in the consulship of Volusianus and Annianus . . . on the day before the Calends of February.” LC p. 636
He sends the priests Claudianus and Vitus and the deacons Eugenius and Cyriacus as his envoys to the synod of Arles (Index personarum synodi in Mansi). MAN 2:469
†A synod (the first) against the Jews. See “Altercatio Silvestri cum Iudaeis” in Mai and Migne. Cf. Mansi. MAN 2:351;
MAI2 8.2.26;
PL 8:814;
MAN 13:759
May 30 In the baths of Trajan †A synod (the second) of 284 bishops (Mansi II 619, Migne 8 p. 825). (Following “Excerpta ex synodalibus gestis S. Silvestri” in Pseudo-Isidore and Mansi) [Another version in Maassen]. Cf. Hefele. MAN 2:619;
PL 8:825;
PS-IS p. 449;
MAN 2:615;
MAA 1:414;
HEF 1:440
He sends the priests Victor and Vincentius to the synod of Nicaea. EUS2 3.7;
SOC 1.14;
SOZ 1.17
Oct 28 †174 (cxxxi) Gaudeo promptam vos.”
He confirms the decrees of the Council of Nicaea. He adds about Victorinus, who “reported false Easter cycles.”
COU app p. 54;
MAN 2:720;
PL 8:223
Rome, within the baths of Domitian †A synod (the third) of 275 bishops which confirms the decrees of the Council of Nicaea. See the Liber Pontificalis. Cf. Hefele. MAN 9:1082;
LP 1:81;
HEF 1:440
Dec 27 †175 (cxxxii) Gloriosissimus.”
He indicates to the Council of Nicaea that he also has gathered a synod and condemned the bishop Victorinus and the deacon Hippolitus as allies of the Manichaeans as well as Jobianus and Calixtus “who said that Easter comes not on its proper day and month but is observed ten days before the Calends of May.” He anathematizes Photinus, Sabellius, and Arius. He orders that his judgment be considered final.
LEO 3:1901
(PL 56:214);
MAN 2:721;
PL 8:823
“Accused of sacrilege, he pursues his own case before (Emperor) Constantine” See the letters of the Roman Council held in 378. (The event is subject to doubt.) COU p. 529;
MAN 3:624
Rome †176 (cxxxiii) Voluntate atque”/“Quam ob rem.”
Together with Emperor Constantine he enters a treaty with Tiridates, king of the Armenians, and Gregory, “a martyr and strenuous confessor, the illuminator of the East and the North.” He establishes Gregory as the highest patriarch of all the Armenians and grants to him that he may ordain a patriarch for the Georgians and that he may make use of other privileges (Fragmentary).
MAN 2:461;
PL 8:579
†177 (cxxxiv) Placuit apostolicae sedi.”
He writes to all the bishops established throughout Gaul and throughout the seven provinces that the priest who advances “from any part of Gaul at all” or somewhere else to the apostolic see should take his “example of modeling” from Bishop Paschasius of Vienna or his successors. He enumerates the seven provinces of the church of Vienna.
BOS 27;
COU app p. 38;
PL 8:848
†178 (cxxxv) Placuit apostolicae sedi.”
In some manuscripts are found copies of the previous letter in which for “Paschasius of Vienna” is read “Retitio of Avetuden.”
COU app p. 35;
LEO 3:1352
(PL 56:155)
†179 (cxxxvi) Sicut in gentilitate.”
He confirms the church of Trier’s “primacy over the Gauls and the Germans,” granted by St. Peter to Eucharius, Valerius, and Maternus by the scepter “through Patriarch Agricius of Antioch” “to the honor,” he says, “of Helen, the august lady of the county, a native of this city, which the blessed woman herself enriched by transferring the apostle Matthias from Judea (with the undergarment and nail of the Lord and the tooth of St. Peter and the sandals of St. Andrew and the head of pope Cornelius) and the rest of the relics.”
BEY 1.1;
GT c. 19 p. 152;
FLA p. 298;
HON 1.17
†180 (cxxxvii) Praesenti decreto.”
He decrees about guilty persons, “Let them first be summoned by their family name and wait for them seven days without the right of any church thing being prohibited. But let seven days again be added to this waiting with the right to enter a church and hearing all the divine offices prohibited. But after that let two days be added during which they are suspended from the peace and communion of the holy church. But then again let them be conveyed under the same waiting. To these, after adding one extra day, now that all waiting is as if hopeless, the one guilty of anathemas will soon be slayed with the sword.”
GRA C5q2c2;
PL 8:819
Dec 31 He dies after ruling the church 21 years, 11 months “until the day of (rather, the day before) the Calends of January in the consulship of Constantine and Albinus.” Cf. Depositio episcoporum: “On the day before the Calends of January was that of Silvester in Priscilla.” LC 1.1;
DEP p. 651

1 LEO2 3.3.4

2 LEO2 2.10.3

Bibliographic References:

BEY = Beyer, Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte des Mittelrheins (Coblenz, 1860)

BOS = Bosco, Floriacensis veteris bibliotheca regiae xyston dextrum et laevum (Lyon, 1605)

COU = Epistolae Romanorum pontificum, ed. Coustant (Paris, 1721)

DEP = Depositio episcoporum, in Mommsen, Roemische Geschichte (Leipzig, 1856)

EUS = Eusebius of Caesarea

    EUS2 = Vita Constantini

FLA = Hugh of Flavigny’s Chronicle, in Monumenta Germaniae historica: Scriptores 8 (Hannover, 1848)

GRA = Gratiani decretum in Corp. iur. can.

GT = Gesta Treverorum, in Monumenta Germaniae historica: Scriptores 8 (Hannover, 1848)

HEF = Hefele, Conciliengeschichte (Freiburg i. Br., 1873)

LC = Liberian Catalogue, in Mommsen, Roemische Geschichte (Leipzig, 1856)

HON = Hontheim, Historia Trevirensis diplomatica (Augusta Vind. and Herbipoli, 1750)

LEO = S. Leonis Magni Romani pontificis opera, ed. Ballerinii (Venice, 1753)

    LEO2 = Balleriniorum Disquisitiones de antiquis collectionibus et collectoribus canonum, app in LEO

LP = Liber pontificalis seu de gestis Romanorum pontificum, ed. Vignoli (Rome, 1724)

MAA = Maassen, Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Rechts (Graz, 1870)

MAI2 = Mai, Spicilegium Romanum (Rome, 1839)

MAN = Mansi, Conciliorum amplissima collectio (Florence, 1759)

PL = Migne, Patrologiae cursus complectus. Series latina

PS-IS = Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae et Capitula Angilrammi, ed. Hinschius (Leipzig, 1863)

SOC = Socratis scholastici historia ecclesiastica (Amsterdam, 1695)

SOZ = Sozomeni Historia ecclesiastica (Amsterdam, 1695)


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