Nicaea from the Sources: Sources Used
The following is a list of the most up-to-date editions of the Greek and Latin texts of our sources. For each, reference is also given to English translations.
AW = Athanasius Werke
CPG = Clavis Patrum Graecorum
CPL = Clavis Patrum Latinorum
FCC = Fourth-Century Christianity (
GCS = Die Griechischen Christlichlen Schriftsteller
NPNF = Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers
PL = Patrologia Latina (Migne)
ACH = Anonymous Church History (pseudo-Gelasius) (CPG 6034) Greek text: Anonyme Kirchengeschichte (Gelasius Cyzicenus, CPG 6034), ed. Günther Christian Hansen. GCS N.F. 9 (Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, 2002). English translation by FCC.
Ath. LBA = Athanasius, Letter to the Bishops of Africa (CPG 2133) Greek text: Athanasius Werke, vol. 2.8, ed. H.C. Brennecke et al. (Berlin, 2000). English translation by A. Robertson (NPNF2 4:488-494), updated by FCC.
Ath. ND = On the Nicene Definition (de Decretis) (CPG 2120) Greek text: Athanasius Werke, vol. 2.1-2:1-45, ed. H.-G. Opitz (Berlin, 1935). English translation by J. H. Newman and A. Robertson (NPNF2 4:149-172), updated by FCC.
Ath. Syn = On the Synods of Ariminum and Seleucia (de Synodis) (CPG 2128) Greek text: Athanasius Werke, vol. 2.6-7, ed. H.-G. Opitz (Berlin, 1940). English translation by J. H. Newman and A. Robertson (NPNF2 4:48-480), updated by FCC.
Eus. LC = Eusebius of Caesarea, Life of Constantine (CPG 3496) Greek text: Eusebius Werke 2. Die Kirchengeschichte, ed. E. Schwartz. GCS 9.1 (Leipzig, 1903). English translation by A.C. McGiffert (NPNF2 1:73-404), updated by FCC.
Gel. CH = Gelasius of Caesarea, Church History (CPG 3521) Greek Text and English translation: Ecclesiastical History: The Extant Fragments With an Appendix containing the Fragments from Dogmatic Writings. GCS N.F. 25, ed. M. Wallraff, J. Stutz, and N. Marinides. Translated by N. Marinides. (De Gruyter, 2018).
Jer. Luc. = Jerome, Dialogue Against the Luciferians (CPL 608) Latin Text: Patrologia Latina vol. 23, coll. 153-182B. ed. J.P. Migne, (Paris, 1883). English translation by W.H. Fremantle (NPNF2 , 6:319-34), updated by FCC.
Phil. CH = Philostorgius, Church History (CPG 6032) Greek Text: Philostorgius Kirchengeschichte., ed. J. Bidez. GCS 21 (Leipzig, 1913). English translation by FCC.
Ruf. CH = Rufinus of Aquileia, Church History. Latin text: Eusebius Werke 2.2. Die Kirchengeschichte, ed. E. Schwartz and T. Mommsen (Leipzig, 1908). English translation by FCC.
Soc. CH = Socrates, Church History (CPG 6028). Greek Text: ed. G.C. Hansen. GCS N.F. 1, Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 1995. English translation by A.C. Zenos (NPNF2 2:1-178), updated by FCC.
Soz. CH = Sozomen, Church History (CPG 6030) Greek Text: G.C. Hansen, Sozomenus Kirchengeschichte, 2nd ed., GCS N.F. 4. (Berlin 1995) English translation by C. Hartranft (NPNF2 2:179-427), updated by FCC.
Theod. CH. = Theodoret, Church History (CPG 6222) Greek Text: Theodoret: Kirchengeschichte. ed. Parmentier, Léon, GCS N.F. 5. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 1998. English translation by B. Jackson (NPNF2 3:33-159), updated by FCC.
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Last updated: 12-19-2024 by JSW
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