Latin Title:  De sententia Dionysii
Reference: CPG 2121
Incipit: Βραδέως ἐδήλωσας περί τῆς νῦν διαλέξεως
Date: 354/359?
Text:  PG 25, 480-521
English Translation: Archibald Robertson, trans., “Defense of Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria (de Sententia Dionysii)” in NPNF2, vol. 4 (Grand Rapids, 1980), pp. 176-187.
Notes: At the time this tractate was written, the Arians claimed that earlier Church Fathers had held Arius’ heresies; one such supporter they claimed was Dionysius the Great (Bishop of Alexandria, 233-265). Athanasius wrote this tractate to insist that Dionysius’ teachings were in concordance with the Nicaeans and not the Arians (Robertson, NPNF2, vol. 4, 173).

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