The following list gives a selection of more well-known patristic writers grouped by the regions in which they lived.

About the table:

c. circa, about
b. born
d. death
fl. flourished
p. papal reign
Language The language in which the author’s writings have survived.
Region The primary regions or cities associated with the author
Lactantiusc. 260-330LatinNicomedia; Africa; Trier
Hilary of Poitiersc. 315-367LatinPoitiers
John Cassianc. 360-432LatinPalestine; Egypt, Constantinople; Rome; Marseilles
Sulpicius Severusc. 360-420Latin"of a noble family of Aquitaine;" Elusum; Primuliacum
Vincent of Lérinsd. c. 435LatinLérins
Potamius of Lisbonfl. c. 350-360LatinLisbon
Gregory of Elvirafl. 359-385LatinElvira
Prudentiusc. 348-410LatinTarraconensis; Rome
Marius Victorinusfl. 355-362LatinRome
Eusebius of Vercellifl. c. 360LatinVercelli
Lucifer of Cagliarifl. 370LatinCagliari Sardinia
Faustinusfl. 380LatinRome
Filastrius of Bresciafl. 395LatinBrescia
Ambrose of Milanc. 333-397; fl. 374-397LatinMilan
Rufinus of Aquileiac. 345-411LatinAquileia
Chromatiusfl. 400LatinAquileia
Pelagiusc. 354-420GreekBritain; Rome
Maximus of Turind. 408/423LatinTurin
Egypt and Africa:
Ariusfl. c. 320GreekAlexandria
Alexander of Alexandriafl. 312-328GreekAlexandria
Pachomiusc. 292-347Coptic/GreekAlexandria
Athanasius of Alexandriac. 295-373; fl. 325-373GreekAlexandria
Macarius of Egyptc. 300-390GreekEgypt
Didymus (the Blind)313-398GreekAlexandria
Augustine of Hippo354-430LatinHippo
Quodvultdeusfl. 430LatinCarthage
Palladius of Helenopolisc. 363/364-431GreekEgypt
Asia Minor:
Methodius of Olympusd. c. 311GreekOlympus; Lycia
Basil the Greatb. c. 330; fl. 357-379GreekCaesarea
Marcellus of Ancyrac. 280-374GreekAncyra
Gregory of Nazianzusb. 329/330; fl. 372-389GreekNazianzus
Gregory of Nyssac. 335-399GreekNyssa
Evagrius of Pontusc. 345-399GreekPontus
Theodore of Mopsuestiac. 350-428GreekMopsuestia
Eusebius of Emesac. 300-359GreekEmesa
Ephrem the Syrianc. 306-373SyriacNisibis
Nemesius of Emesafl. late 4th centuryGreekEmesa
Severian of Gabalafl. c. 400GreekGabala
John Chrysostom344/354-407GreekAntioch; Constantinople
Epiphanius of Salamisc. 315-403GreekSalamis; Cyprus
Aphrahatc. 270-350Syriac
Eusebius of Caesareac. 260/263-340GreekCaesarea
Acacius of Caesaread. c. 366GreekCaesarea
Cyril of Jerusalemc. 315-386GreekJerusalem
Diodore of Tarsusd. c. 394GreekTarsus
Jeromec. 347-420LatinRome; Antioch; Bethlehem

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Last updated 10-2-2016

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