Document: Letter 76
Incipit: Quamquam mihi multorum
Addressee: Abigaum
Date: Unknown (Kelly p. 216)
Earliest ms.: Paris, France: Bibliotheque Nationale, 446, f.. 6th century. (Lambert, I: p. 773)
Latin Text: CSEL 55, pp. 34-36
English Translation: Fremantle,  pp. 156-157
Notes: Abigaus the recipient of this letter was a blind presbyter of Baetica in Spain. He had asked the help of Jerome’s prayers in his struggles with evil and Jerome now writes to cheer and to console him. He concludes his remarks by commending to his especial care the widow Theodora. The letter should be compared with that addressed to Castrutius (68). It was written at the same time with the preceding.

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